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пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

YouTube Offer Funds 5 Million U.S. Dollars

YouTube Offer Funds 5 Million U.S. DollarsBecome a video repository of people throughout the world, apparently do not make You Tube soon complacency.

Late last week, YouTube announced plans to poured funds amounting to 5 million U.S. dollars through the YouTube Partner Program Grants. Partner, in this case is the fee that is often their videos mengunggahkan their creations through the site owned by Google is, of course, with good quality and innovative ideas.

"We intend to filter Anyar ideas and models of production from some of our innovative partners," said George Strompolos, YouTube Partner Development Manager.

According to him, You Tube quite impressed with the creativity and the availability of sources of ideas held by people like them. With a limited budget, they can make an amazing video.

That's why, You Tube raise a YouTube Partner Grants that acts as a catalyst by injecting funds for the production of a small group who become the frontline in innovation.

According Strompolos, these funds allow the video-camera makers to have a better capital, with better quality too, expand marketing, raise the number of staff or also hire people with great talents.

In this program, will contact the YouTube video-makers who are able and invited to collect proposals.

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